Sunday, December 28, 2014


This map is a real-time visualization of cyber-attacks around the world.  You can see where the attack is coming from and where it is targeted.  Keep in mind this is just a small fraction of attacks taking place at any given time.  Example:  The US Navy gets hit with 110,000 cyber attacks every hour.

Click on map to view real time...


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Please Remember

On December 25th, 1969 I was in the Air Force and stationed at an airbase in Libya, Africa.  It was the only time in my 68 years that I ever spent Christmas without family. Even though there were 30,000 other airmen on that airbase, it was the loneliest time of my life.  Please remember those serving our country who are away this Christmas...


Tuesday, December 9, 2014


In 2009 the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence decided to investigate the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program.  Today they made their findings public.  After five years of work they ended their investigation by taking 6,000 pieces of perfectly good paper, covering it with perfectly good ink and making a perfectly good pile of manure.