Friday, March 23, 2012

Professionally Coordinated Chaos

It's been said that a "bureaucracy" is just a whole bunch of "professional" coordinators.  Problem is, Washington's got so many of them it's just one big professionally coordinated screw-up.  If you don't believe me, please read on (unless you just got done eating)...

According to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, the Internal Revenue Service had a 21% to 26% error rate issuing Earned Income Tax Credit payments in Fiscal Year 2011.  This equates to $13.7 to $16.7 billion in EITC improper payments.  Imagine how long Apple would stay in business if 25% of the iPhones it sold didn't work.

Or, how about this one...

When Obamacare was being "sold" to the American people, we were told the 10-year gross costs would be less than $1 trillion (938 billion to be exact).  However, current estimates by the Congressional Budget Office estimates Obamacare for the next ten years will cost the American taxpayer $1.76 trillion...almost twice the phony baloney figures mentioned just two years ago.  That's 176,000,000,000,000 pennies.  And I wouldn't give you two cents for all them "professional coordinators" in the whole country.

If you want me to turn your stomach more, please "Like" me on Facebook or comment below.

Inspired by Charles Krauthammer and George Will

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