Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Stop...The Bridge Is Out"

We have to stop going down the road we are on in this country.  We have to stop and take the time to fix the washed out bridge that is just around the corner.

Imagine, if you will, a stormy rainy night.  You are driving down a dark and winding road and you come upon me standing by the roadside knowing that the bridge up ahead has been washed out by the heavy rain and flooding.  Seeing you approaching in your car I can do one of two things.  I can just stand there as you pass by and watch as you drive off the washed out bridge and into the river.  Or, I can wave my hands and arms frantically and yell for you to stop.

Back in December of last year I posted a couple of articles here entitled, "Opportunity Not Welfare" and "Who's Money Is It", both of which addressed "The Roadmap For America's Future", a plan for fixing our country's budgetary mess and created by Paul Ryan, U.S. Congressman, Wisconsin 1st District.  Cogressman Ryan has since become Chairman of the House Budget Committee and is proposing a specific "Path to Prosperity".  The details to this path to prosperity can be found in this pdf, "The Path To Prosperity, Restoring America's Promise". 

I'm waving my hands and arms and yelling at you...STOP !!!  Look and listen to what Mr. Ryan has to say in this video.  I sincerely believe he is correct in his assumptions.  I also believe that his plan, if adopted, gives our children and grandchildren a secure and prosperous future, God willing.

Also...I must ask Pastor Lemming to forgive me for stealing from his message this past Sunday.


1 comment:

Caleb said...

I agree (although i have little political understanding) with this.