Thursday, April 28, 2011

Conservative Circus Clowns

"There's A Sucker Born Every Minute" - P.T. Barnum

The other day Oprah Winfrey asked President Obama why he waited two and a half years to release his birth certificate to the public.   Mr. Obama explained that, "even though this is not usually what the state of Hawaii does, I instructed my advisors to ask the State of Hawaii for a special dispensation to provide us with the original in order to put the issue to rest". 

Mr. Obama never did answer the question of why he waited two and a half years. 

The Birther issue was a "circus" concocted by the White House two and a half years ago after questions were first raised during the 2008 presidential campaign.  It was then perpetuated by the White House for the past two and a half years for the sole purpose of making a bunch of clowns out of a bunch of dim witted conservatives.  And it worked.  There were a lot of people, and not just Republicans,  jumping on the "Birther Bandwagon" as of late.
But why now?  

I suspect the main objective all along was to wait until Sarah Palin announced her candidacy and then provide the original birth certificate.  But "Chump Trump" came along.  The controversy was getting too difficult to sustain and so, the certificate of birth was produced.

But this will not be the last you hear about this subject.  Come 2012 campaign time, any and all non-Democrat candidates who ever came close to this issue will be portrayed as just another "Conservative Circus Clown".


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