Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hitting The Nail On The Head

Sentence was passed the other day on "Bradley" Manning.  Yeah, you've heard of him.  He's the United States Army "guy" who was caught stealing classified information and passing it on to WikiLeaks.  The day after being convicted for violating the Espionage Act and sentenced to 35 years in prison, "Mr." Manning informed the world that he has had a "gender identity disorder" since childhood and wants to live the rest of his life as a woman and be called "Chelsea".

You folks that visit this blog pretty much know how I feel about gay rights, gay marriage, and gay whatever.  Being gay ain't a problem.  In this country EVERYONE has a right to be what he or she wants to be, wannabe criminals excepted.  Nope, being gay ain't the problem.  But it is a symptom.

I'm not too good at putting my thoughts into words, but Daniel Greenfield is great at it and seems to hit the nail square on the head every time he posts on his blog.  Here's what he said a couple days ago in an article about Bradley-Chelsea Manning.  Permit me to use Mr. Greenfield's words and a few of my own.  This is exactly what the problem is...

"Our society has become a puzzle of broken pieces that don't fit, a strange mesh of identity politics, identities that can't even agree to disagree and that for the most part have lost their moral compasses.  Under all the rainbow umbrellas are broken people struggling for relief, acting out, breaking things, and breaking themselves.  All the cheerful assertions that the next wave of insanity is really the next civil rights movement sound as hollow as they do in the neighborhood where the broken family with a free cell phone is not an aberration, but the norm.

These are not all disparate elements.  They are parts of the same problem.  The family is at the center of a healthy society.  When the family collapses, so does the society.

Family dysfunction has been turned into a banner and has been made to seem trendy and progressive, but what it has rally done is shattered the American family.  There is no path to restoring America, except through the restoration of the American family.

You're probably a little puzzled as to why I started this post talking about a spy who's gay and end with a rant about a broken America and a broken society and broken families.  Well, try this on for size.  CLICK HERE to link to the Wikipedia narrative Chelsea Manning and read down through the description of his/her early life.

And let me give you a heads-up.  Mr./Ms. Manning made the announcement that he/she is gay just a few days ago.  It's kinda difficult keeping the "hes" and "shes" straight (no pun intended).

Another heads-up.  The point of view is quite obvious.

Oh, and this is kinda interesting.  The Wikipedia URL says "Bradley_Manning" and the narrative is titled "Chelsea Manning".

Inspired by "Sultan Knish"

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