Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Evolution Of Progressivism

So you think all them Progressive Liberal Democrats up there in Washington have got the right ideas when they say they want to change this country.  You say you agree with them when they say America needs more government regulation and less individual freedom.

Well, here's a four minute video illustrating the evolution of Progressivism.  The beginning of the video is 1776 and America is declaring it's independence and about to fight for individual freedoms.  After a while folks begin to forget about 1776 and start listening to a few politicians that tell them if we had just a little income tax things would be great and if we had just a little Social Security we could live in utopia in our old age.  Then a bunch more progressive minded politicians come along and say this country needs government run healthcare and gun control and so on and so forth.  The end of the video is some point not too far off when government will regulate everything and we'll all be standing in federally mandated rows scratching our heads in unison and wondering where all our individual freedoms have gone ...

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