Saturday, December 1, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Our granddaughter "Emily" wrote the following. She's getting quite a reputation as an aspiring 15 year old writer. You're welcome to visit her blog, "A Thousand Words", and reading more of her work. The link is at the bottom. 

"Home Sweet Home"

My house isn't any ordinary house. When I must search for it, there are a few things to look for that may be different from other houses. Firstly, I must search for a house with love glistening in the rooms, reflecting off the walls, and pouring out the windows; but even just plain love is not specifically what I am talking about. The love I am speaking of is a love that reflects Christ, a love that so utterly comes from Him you cannot help but know you are in a Christian atmosphere. But in order for it to be my house, that love of Christ must be glowing from familiar faces. Oh, the sweetness and loveliness of a familiar face! And yet, for it to be my house, it must be from more than just familiar faces; the familiar faces must be my family. Once I have found all this, I know I must be at my house; for my house isn't really a house at all, but a sweet place called home.

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